Friday, October 26, 2012

14 weeks

How far along?  14 weeks
How big is baby? Lemon
What’s baby doing this week?
  • He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
  • His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him keep warm!
Total weight gain/loss? 4 pounds gained
Symptoms? Still puking, fatigue is finally letting up though! The headaches have kicked in big time though. Definitely not a fan of those.
Sleep?  Though my schedule and husband's snoring has left me lacking sleep the past few days, I am finally able to sleep through the night without getting up to pee more than twice. Last night was the first night I haven't been up to pee since I got pregnant. Although, I think that's because I was sick with the stomach flu and hadn't held any water in all day so there was nothing to puke up. But still, it was nice to get a good night of sleep.
Best moment of the week? Finally had my first OB appointment. After close examination the doctor described my cervix as "flanged" which means that it is open on the bottom from the damage from Nate's delivery. However, the top looks closed up tight and he's not worried about any type of infection making it's way in. We are going to start cervical measurement scans at my 16 week appointment and he is going to decide if he wants to start progesterone injections or not. He's not sure that they would help in my particular case. We heard the baby's heartbeat- 155. Both the boys were always up in the 170s so I wonder if that means we have a girl??
Food cravings Cold cereal
Movement?Still soft and infrequent but I am feeling occasional taps. Getting so anxious for them to get stronger!!!
Gender? Still waiting! 
Belly button in/out?In
What I miss: After the headache that nearly killed me yesterday I am missing Excedrin Migraine.
What I am looking forward to: Baby kicks and an ultrasound that can give me my AFI (amniotic fluid index) measurements. I am really starting to get nervous that I have sprung a silent leak and don't know about it.
 Milestones: Baby's first OB appointment? I don't know...hasn't really been a monumental week.

Here is the baby belly after the stomach flu....Ignore the messy bathroom!!!

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