Friday, October 26, 2012

14 weeks

How far along?  14 weeks
How big is baby? Lemon
What’s baby doing this week?
  • He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
  • His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him keep warm!
Total weight gain/loss? 4 pounds gained
Symptoms? Still puking, fatigue is finally letting up though! The headaches have kicked in big time though. Definitely not a fan of those.
Sleep?  Though my schedule and husband's snoring has left me lacking sleep the past few days, I am finally able to sleep through the night without getting up to pee more than twice. Last night was the first night I haven't been up to pee since I got pregnant. Although, I think that's because I was sick with the stomach flu and hadn't held any water in all day so there was nothing to puke up. But still, it was nice to get a good night of sleep.
Best moment of the week? Finally had my first OB appointment. After close examination the doctor described my cervix as "flanged" which means that it is open on the bottom from the damage from Nate's delivery. However, the top looks closed up tight and he's not worried about any type of infection making it's way in. We are going to start cervical measurement scans at my 16 week appointment and he is going to decide if he wants to start progesterone injections or not. He's not sure that they would help in my particular case. We heard the baby's heartbeat- 155. Both the boys were always up in the 170s so I wonder if that means we have a girl??
Food cravings Cold cereal
Movement?Still soft and infrequent but I am feeling occasional taps. Getting so anxious for them to get stronger!!!
Gender? Still waiting! 
Belly button in/out?In
What I miss: After the headache that nearly killed me yesterday I am missing Excedrin Migraine.
What I am looking forward to: Baby kicks and an ultrasound that can give me my AFI (amniotic fluid index) measurements. I am really starting to get nervous that I have sprung a silent leak and don't know about it.
 Milestones: Baby's first OB appointment? I don't know...hasn't really been a monumental week.

Here is the baby belly after the stomach flu....Ignore the messy bathroom!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

13 weeks

How far along?  13 weeks
How big is baby?
What’s baby doing this week? 
  • Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
  • Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.
Total weight gain/loss? Well, it looks like I am officially up 4 pounds
Symptoms? Still praying to the porcelain god every day. The peeing all night long seems to have finally stopped though. At most I am getting up just two times a night which is awesome! Starting to get a real bump that is more than just bloat.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep?  Finally able to make it through long days with very little of it ;) Otherwise I am sleeping well.
Best moment of the week? Nathan trying to determine (after eavesdropping on a conversation I was having about recessive genes) if the baby had two X chromosomes or an X and a Y. Way too cute!
Food cravings Pickles... cliche right??? Otherwise I haven't been having too many cravings this week. The good news is that my blood pressure has dropped by 22 points since I stopped eating meat like it was going out of style!! I am getting in the habit of eating better and I'm pretty proud of myself. I do not want to pork out!
Movement? Still just occasional taps here and there. Getting so anxious for real movement.
Labor signs? None
Belly button in/out?In
What I miss: For the first time this pregnancy I had a craving for an alcoholic beverage. Had a real hankering for a margarita last night! Maybe some virgin drinks are in store for me.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my OB next week---hopefully. I was supposed to see him yesterday but after waiting in his office for over an hour, the nurse told me that he got called in to deliver 4 babies and wasn't coming. So, I had to reschedule and I went ahead and set my 16 week appointment up too. 16 weeks! That's only 3 weeks away! That just seems way crazy to me!
 Milestones: First day of the second trimester!

Baby belly time!

Friday, October 12, 2012

12 weeks

How far along?  12 weeks!
How big is baby? The size of a plum!
What’s baby doing this week? 
  • Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
  • She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • Her brain is developing fast!
Total weight gain/loss? According to the OB's scale I am up 4 pounds. Yuck! Although in my defense it was right after breakfast and I did have on a sweater and jeans...But she said at my weight/height I can safely gain up to 40 more pounds before they will say anything to me about it so that's a relief. I have never gained that much in the past so hoping it stays off this time!
Symptoms? Well, the puking is steadfast. I puked so hard yesterday that I gave myself a bloody nose. Not fun. My fatigue has really come back this past 2 or 3 days too. I am actually thinking I need a nap today before I crack down on the homework. I got my first real dizzy spell in the shower this morning. I got the tunnel vision and couldn't tell if I was swaying or standing still. I turned the water off to get out and decided I better sit on the floor before I passed out. I ended up wet and squatting in the tub while simultaneously dry heaving. I give props to those men that think pregnancy is sexy!! We had a little scare earlier in the week and saw some blood-- I had to go in for a Rhogam shot and they think that I just bumped my SCH loose and bled it out. It's stopped but I am on pelvic rest until at least next week Thursday.
Maternity clothes?  Yep...
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep?  Still being interrupted by my non-stop peeing. I just don't know what's going on! I am up some nights 7 times! I am definitely peeing out more than I drink. It's getting really frustrating. They tested me for a UTI today and I'm waiting to get the results back. Would be nice if it was something so simple!
Best moment of the week? Had my first kinda OB appt. I had to meet with the nurse for an hour. I was supposed to see my OB afterwards but there was a mistake made by the scheduler so I won't get to see my doctor until next week. Oh well! I got to take a tour of the delivery floor. I know I have been there before but truthfully I was not in a place of mind that allowed me to take in any of what I was seeing. Plus I was kept out of the area for normal deliveries and secluded to my own area of the floor. So, I went and looked and kept my chin up. I was happy to see a whirlpool in the bathroom. I am trying to go epidural free with this baby and the tub was a godsend with Nathan. Everything else was good and upbeat and I am looking forward to staying on this route!
Food cravings Cold cereal. I hate milk, totally hate it, and I'm lactose intolerant. But all I want is cereal and more cereal. Nate and I had a great old time perusing the cereal aisle. My diastolic pressure was at 80 today. This means it's time to stop with the burgers and start eating healthy. I have always had incredibly low pressure so to watch that number slowly creep up tells me it's time to stop eating like a little piggy and have a salad.
Movement? I have undoubtedly been feeling tiny taps. I LOVE it. I got three thumps in a row yesterday. They are still so faint that they are hardly noticeable but they are definitely there. So excited to be headed into the most exciting part of pregnancy. So many fun things to look forward to in these next few weeks.
Labor signs?
Belly button in/out?In
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Movements to get stronger and my appointment next week. Want to find out the game plan for my cervical scans.
 Milestones: Well-- we made it to 12 weeks. That's a big milestone. My risk of miscarriage goes down significantly now! Last week of the first trimester!!

Today there are TWO belly pictures!

Friday, October 5, 2012

11 weeks

How far along?  11 weeks
How big is baby? Lime sized
What’s baby doing this week? 
  • You can't see it, but she's moving fluidly and gracefully in there.
  • Her skin is see-through, but she's on her way to looking more like a baby.
  • Her fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore.
  • Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.
Total weight gain/loss? 2 pounds
Symptoms? The hormonal headaches kicked in this morning around 3 AM. Ugh. Talk about misery. I tossed and turned and finally around 11 this morning it went almost away- now I am just left with a dull pounding. I always get nervous at the start of a pregnancy headache because when I was in my second trimester with Nathan I got a headache and it didn't go away for a month! It was awful. I spent most of my days laying in a dark room watching daytime television, missing David and drowning in self sorrow. My morning sickness still shows no sign of leaving anytime soon but holy boobage! They are just growing and growing. I am really busting out of my bras! I keep meaning to order new ones and not getting around to it. Maybe I will do that after I am done blogging. The time has come... Backaches are still plaguing me but the fatigue seems to be letting up. I am more tired than I would be if I wasn't pregnant, but nowhere near what I was.
Maternity clothes?  Still fitting into my shirts, but pants are all elastic waisted!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep?  Getting better, when I'm not up peeing my night away I am getting pretty good zzz's
Best moment of the week? Food! I have never experienced actual hunger in a pregnancy before. But this time no matter how queasy I am, I am always hungry too! It's been great to be able to eat and not have it all come right back up. With Nathan I clearly remember over a month of eating nothing but grits and peanut butter toast because it was literally the only thing I could stand to have near me. David was gone so my fridge literally had nothing but beverages and butter in it because I never wanted to eat anything. Although, we did save a lot of money on groceries. I am eating us out of retirement right now.
Food cravings I have been craving creamed corn like a mo-fo. It's something about my philosophy class. Every single time I step foot in that room I get an instant craving for it. It makes no sense! And candy. The scale says that I am not gaining to much weight, but the dimples on my butt say otherwise. It's getting nasty. I am going to have to go crazy at the gym when jr. gets here.
Movement? On two occasions this week I very clearly felt a thump. I didn't put it as my best moment of the week just because it seems too early to be actual baby movements. But I felt Nate around 15-16 weeks, and Noah at is it totally out of the question that I might be feeling it at 2 days shy of 11 week this time? I am not going to chalk it up to certain movement, but I expect within the next few weeks to be feeling flutters!
Gender? It's driving me nuts not knowing! I keep thinking it's a girl, but wanting another boy but then deciding that a girl might be fun too and wanting Nathan to have the sister that he wants so bad, but then I imagine another sweet little boy in my arms and want it sooooo bad. I can't stand this waiting game! I am still on team pink but optimistically hopeful for team blue. Just a few more weeks and I should be able to find out. But haha to you because my lips will be sealed.
Labor signs? none
Belly button in/out? In
What I miss: Today I miss Excedrin
What I am looking forward to: Well, the little thuds got me anxious for backflips and bladder kicks. I can't wait to feel him/her moving around. That is my favorite part about pregnancy! Movement and the boobs are the only thing that I actually like about it-- otherwise I would be perfectly content to have the stork drop my baby off freshly bathed and diapered. I'm also looking forward to my first OB appt next week. Anxious to actually nail down my game plan for cervical measurements and ultrasounds and everything else.
 Milestones:Close to the end of my first trimester. And good riddance to it!

Baby Belly picture: