Friday, November 16, 2012

17 weeks

How far along?  17 weeks
How big is baby? Onion (about 5.1-5.9 inches from head to butt)
What’s baby doing this week? 
  • Her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.
  • And she's growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
  • She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.
Total weight gain/loss?  According to my most recent OB appointment I am up a total of 2.8 pounds. I really thought it was a lot more than that all this time but I guess not!
Symptoms? Still got the morning pukes, but other than that not too much going on. This has been a rough week as I got the mother of all colds. Talk about misery. But I am finally starting to feel alive again-- just wish my voice would return! I'm tired of sounding like a goose!
Maternity clothes?  Of course!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep?  Still suffering from middle of the night insomnia, but really I think it's David's fault for snoring so much. He is gone until Monday so I am going to test my theory and see how I sleep this weekend ;)
Best moment of the week? Getting to take a peek at the baby!! And getting my first cervical measurement back. It's 4.1 cm which is apparently very good. Now I just wait and pray with crossed fingers that it stays long and closed. Only 3 weeks and 3 days away from my first rainbow baby milestone. Prayers for my sanity would be appreciated as I am starting to notice every tiny twinge and ache and worry something is wrong.
Food cravings Nothing really this week
Movement? Feeling more and more movement, although that baby gave me a little bit of a nervous attack this week. It went from being super active and thumping away non-stop to doing absolutely nothing for three days. Must have just been being sick that got the baby feeling lazy because today it's back to kicking around!
Gender? Still don't know but now I am back to thinking that it's a girl. It just looked so tiny and delicate on the ultrasound. And it's profile was a little different from the identical ones that Nathan and Noah shared. Only have a few more weeks to go. Dec 10th is my next ultrasound!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in/out?In
What I miss: Medicine! All that I wanted this week was to have some flipping cold medicine! But I made it through with just Tylenol and I'm still alive so I guess all's well that ends well.
What I am looking forward to: Anatomy scan!!!
 Milestones:Nothing this week

Now for lots of pictures!!

First, meet our new little one! Looks like a little thumb sucker???
These are from week 16, but just for fun!! This is me after getting a really good work out in.
Just kidding! I was actually sitting on the couch all day and this was me getting ready to go to McDonald's.
Here is the 'ever crooked' front belly view.  

 And here is the official 17 week belly pic. Ignore the dirty mirror!

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