Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cooking Herman Baby number 3

So...now that my shock is wearing off (somewhat) I can blog with a straight-ish mind.

Anybody that follows me on Facebook knows I have been sick lately. And whatever bug I'm fighting perfectly covered up all my symptoms of pregnancy. I figured the exhaustion was caused by being run down and working so much (and so on so forth). It wasn't until I was standing in Sunday morning church that I thought "maybe" I could be pregnant. I kept getting hot flashes followed by waves of nausea that I have only experienced two other times in my life. Then I nearly passed out when I was leaving the church.

So Nate and I shot down to the Copps Food Market where pregnancy tests were half off (thank you God!) and I figured that I'd pick one up because they were so cheap. Finished up my grocery shopping, went home and put the groceries away then decided to pee on a stick. I instantly got a positive. Thinking that I HAD to be seeing things I called my sister to come confirm the two pink lines. She saw it, I freaked out and then did it two more times. Same story.

It almost killed me waiting to talk to David. I shot him a picture message with the pregnancy test and "Congratulations Daddy" written under it in case he didn't realize what he was looking at. This is the second time that I have gotten a positive pregnancy test while he was gone and he's given me a heart attack waiting to tell him. I don't have the patience for this! He finally called me back about ten hours later sounding dually shocked.  We haven't had much time to talk about it but he sounds happy.

I immediately put in my two weeks notice at work. I am NOT taking any chances. So, my last day of work will be on Sept 2, and my first ultrasound will be on Sept 7th. Until then I will just take this one day at a time. I am already running to the bathroom every ten seconds expecting to be bleeding, or trying not to pick anything up. I have to keep stepping back and telling myself that this is NOT my last pregnancy. Until I hear otherwise I can do things like wash the dishes and pick up toys.

I am cramping quite a bit, but I have to remind myself that part is normal. I'm also tired- but not as bad as in my first two pregnancies. The nausea seems to have kicked in earlier than normal though. Haven't puked yet but I am wondering if this is a sign of a long road ahead of me. Either way I don't care. Bring it on if it means a big, healthy, full-term baby.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the extra nausea is just a sign of a girl ;) I know you'd be more than content with a house full of boys, but just sayin'...

    You are safe to do those light activities, but I can imagine wanting to take every precaution (I'd be the very same way). You're so sensible and smart -- you'll do the right thing as you know your body better than anyone.

    On a serious note, will you please let me know if you come down with "severe cold" symptoms or a "mono-like" illness? That's not normal or safe and, since Lachlan's birth, I've learned there are tests that can be done to help you and baby...and potentially prevent undue hardship.

    Joy and continued prayers!!
