Friday, August 5, 2011


Today was a pretty quiet day in the Herman household but you won't get any complaints from me! I am a little nervous because it's a drill weekend for David and it makes me a little uneasy to have him 4 hours away. If something did happen it would take him probably 6 hours to get to the hospital and a lot can happen in 6 hours. But so far all is quiet on the homefront.

My mother-in-law came by today and gave me a lesson on crocheting. I kinda get it. I think a little more practice and I can be well on my way to making Noah his first blanket :) Well, actually his second blanket because as it turns out my ten year old sister has already mastered the fine art of crocheting and made him a fancy little preemie blanket. Otherwise it's been another stimulating day of laying on the couch!

Just like the past few days I have been leaking more than normal. I hope this stops soon and it's not just another annoyance I am going to have to learn to deal with. On top of it I have been having some weird sensations where I think my cervix would be. I wouldn't even say it hurts, but it's kind of a pinching, uncomfortable feeling. The one good thing about having a complete placenta previa is that I WILL know if I go into labor. So I don't have the added anxiety of sitting around wondering if every little Braxton Hicks contraction and cramp is pre-term labor. I will have a great big gush of blood to tip me off. I will consider that a silver lining lol.

I am happy to have my sister here, Nathan is quite the busy little boy these days and I most certainly could not take care of him by myself anymore. I can barely take a shower without having pain and pressure, so chasing him around the house is out of the question. I have found that even just sitting upright is getting very uncomfortable. Although last night I cheated on my bedrest just a little. I sat up in my bed for about 2 minutes and let Nathan sit on my lap. I have done so well laying here all day so I figured that I would hold Nathan for a minute, it has been over a month since he's sat on my lap and it definitely did my heart some good!

I ordered some beads (and by some, I mean enough to open my own bead shop!) and have big plans to make bracelets with my sister over the next few weeks. I am looking particularly forward to making my mother's bracelet that says "Nathan" and "Noah" on it. If it turns out how I envision it it will be awesome!

Well, that is all for tonight. I am signing off for now and heading to bed shortly. Let's hope for another uneventful night and praise the Lord for watching over Nathan another day.

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